
☰ Chapter 1: Forces


A force is a push or a pull.
A force is something that has the ability to accelerate an object.

Forces are described in units of Newtons or pounds
1N = 0.225lb
1lb = 4.45N

How much do you weigh?



Internal forces-Forces that act within the object or system whose motion is being investigated.

External forces-Forces that act on an object as a result of its interaction with the environment surrounding it (3000m Steeplechase).

Types of Friction

Static friction: The force occurring between two dry surfaces that are not moving relative to each other.

Dynamic friction: The force occurring between two dry surfaces that are moving relative to each other.
Rolling friction: The force acting between a surface and a rolling object due to the deformation of one or both objects.

Shoe friction in running

Normal force and surface area (book examples)

Running forces @ 4:00 min/mi


Addition of Forces

What happens when there is more than one force?

Vectors involve magnitude and direction

Combining Vectors: Graphical and Additive Methods








Another resultant force in running

A 70 kg runner experiences air resistance of 15 N. During the heelstrike, he exerts an A/P force of 100 N. The vertical ground reaction force at this time was 1300 N.

Draw a diagram of this situation and determine the resultant force (magnitude and direction relative to horizontal).

Static Equilibrium

When an object is at rest and the forces acting on the object are in equilibrium, they result in a net force of zero.

Gymnast example: Gymnast's mass=52kg, beam reaction force = 510N.
Is this system in static equilibrium?